Understanding Konglish: 80 Essential Words You Must Learn

Konglish, a unique linguistic blend of Korean and English, has become an integral part of everyday communication in South Korea. This fusion of languages results in words that, while borrowing from English, often take on distinct meanings and uses within the Korean context. Whether you are a language enthusiast, a traveler, or someone looking to connect more deeply with Korean culture, understanding Konglish can be both fun and practical. In this blog post, we’ll explore 80 essential Konglish words that you should know, helping you navigate the fascinating world where Korean and English intersect.

Cell phone🔊 핸드폰 (haendeupon)
Computer🔊 컴퓨터 (keompyuteo)
Laptop🔊 노트북 (noteubuk)
Internet🔊 인터넷 (inteonet)
Remote control🔊 리모컨 (rimokeon)
Siren🔊 사이렌 (sa-i-ren)
Motorcycle🔊 오토바이 (otobai)
Video🔊 비디오 (bidio)
Signature🔊 싸인 (ssain)
Ice cream🔊 아이스크림 (aiseukeurim)
Free service🔊 서비스 (seobiseu)
Handbag🔊 핸드백 (haendeubaek)
Shopping🔊 쇼핑 (syoping)
Studio apartment🔊 원룸 (wonrum)
Apartment🔊 아파트 (apateu)
Juice🔊 주스 (juseu)
Restaurant🔊 레스토랑 (reseutorang)
Café🔊 카페 (kape)
Hamburger🔊 햄버거 (haembeogeo)
Pizza🔊 피자 (pija)
Fried chicken🔊 치킨 (chikin)
Sandwich🔊 샌드위치 (saendeuwichi)
Cola🔊 콜라 (kolla)
Underwear🔊 팬티 (paenti)
Television🔊 텔레비전 (tellebijeon)
Electrical outlet🔊 콘센트 (konsenteu)
Manager🔊 매니저 (maenijeo)
Card🔊 카드 (kadeu)
Kiss🔊 키스 (kiseu)
Pension (small hotel)🔊 펜션 (pensyeon)
Camera🔊 카메라 (kamera)
Nightclub🔊 클럽 (keulleob)
Gym🔊 헬스 (helseu)
Blind date🔊 미팅 (miting)
Physical condition🔊 컨디션 (keondisyeon)
Supermarket🔊 슈퍼마켓 (syupeomaket)
Campus🔊 캠퍼스 (kaempeoseu)
Printer🔊 프린터 (peurinteo)
Radio🔊 라디오 (radio)
Virus🔊 바이러스 (baireoseu)
Monitor🔊 모니터 (moniteo)
Diet🔊 다이어트 (daieoteu)
Hairstyle🔊 헤어스타일 (heeoseutail)
Headphones🔊 헤드폰 (hedeupon)
Band🔊 밴드 (baendeu)
Elevator🔊 엘리베이터 (ellibeiteo)
Air conditioner🔊 에어컨 (eeokeon)
Blender🔊 믹서 (mikseo)
Clinic🔊 클리닉 (keullinik)
Rental car🔊 렌터카 (renteoka)
Leader🔊 리더 (rideo)
Boiler🔊 보일러 (boilleo)
Chocolate🔊 초콜릿 (chokollit)
Hot dog🔊 핫도그 (hatdogeu)
Tent🔊 텐트 (tenteu)
Gas🔊 가스 (gaseu)
Roommate🔊 룸메이트 (rummeiteu)
Barcode🔊 바코드 (bakodeu)
Mentor🔊 멘토 (mento)
Model🔊 모델 (model)
Battery🔊 배터리 (baeteori)
Balcony🔊 베란다 (beranda)
Biscuit🔊 비스킷 (biseukit)
Seminar🔊 세미나 (seminar)
Shirt🔊 셔츠 (syeocheu)
Skirt🔊 스커트 (seukoteu)
Stress🔊 스트레스 (seuteureseu)
Slippers🔊 슬리퍼 (seullipeo)
Sweater🔊 스웨터 (seuweteo)
System🔊 시스템 (siseutem)
Alcohol🔊 알코올 (alko-ol)
Accessory🔊 액세서리 (aeksesari)
Energy🔊 에너지 (eneoji)
Engine🔊 엔진 (enjin)
Oven🔊 오븐 (obeun)
Jacket🔊 자켓 (jakaet)
Jelly🔊 젤리 (jelli)
Junior🔊 주니어 (junieo)
Candy🔊 캔디 (kaendi)
Fan🔊 팬 (paen)

Konglish is more than just a collection of borrowed words; it is a testament to the fluidity and adaptability of language. By learning these 80 Konglish terms, you not only expand your vocabulary but also gain insights into how languages evolve and influence each other. Whether you’re in South Korea or engaging with Korean speakers elsewhere, these words will enhance your communication and enrich your cultural understanding. Embrace the charm of Konglish and enjoy the unique linguistic journey it offers.