[Day 2] Free EPS Lesson – Directions and Instructions

Lesson Timetable

Day 1: Self-introduction
Day 2: Direction and Instructions
Day 3: Personal Information
Day 4: Basic Knowledge
Day 5: Company Life and Work
Day 6: EPS Tools

DAY 2 EPS Lesson Brief

Yesterday, we covered how to introduce ourselves and convey our strong commitment to working in Korea. This was an important step in preparing for interviews, as it helps make a positive first impression.

Today, we will delve into learning how to give and understand directions and instructions in Korean. Mastering this skill is crucial because it demonstrates to potential employers that you not only understand the language but can also follow and execute tasks as directed by a supervisor. This capability is essential for integrating smoothly into the workplace and ensuring effective communication and productivity on the job.

So, during the interview:

They give directions and instructions as soon as you finish introducing yourselves.
Next, directions are asked to evaluate whether or not you can understand your supervisor’s instructions well when you are working in Korea.
Moreover, they only ask about 20 fixed sentences, so you can understand every word by practicing hard.
Lastly, memorize all the words and sentences related to the direction. And memorize all the questions, too.


🔊오른쪽 right side🔊 beside🔊보세요 look🔊일어나세요 stand up
🔊왼쪽 left side🔊오른손 right hand🔊가세요 go🔊돌아보세요 look back
🔊 up/top🔊왼손 left hand🔊오세요 come🔊이쪽 this side
🔊아래 down/below🔊양손 both hands🔊멈추세요 stop🔊그쪽 that side
🔊 front🔊올리세요 raise🔊의자 chair🔊여기 here
🔊 behind🔊내리세요 put down🔊앉으세요 sit down🔊거기 there

Instructions List

🔊 Look up.
위로 보세요.
[wiro boseyo]

🔊 Look down.
아래로 보세요.
[araero boseyo]

🔊 Look right.
오른쪽으로 보세요.
[oreunjjogeuro boseyo]

🔊 Look left.
왼쪽으로 보세요.
[waenjjogeuro boseyo]

🔊 Look front.
앞으로 보세요.
[apeuro boseyo]

🔊 Look behind.
뒤로 보세요.
[dwiro boseyo]

🔊 Raise left hand.
왼손 올리세요.
[wenson olriseyo]

🔊 Put your left hand down.
왼손 내리세요.
[wenson naeriseyo]

🔊 Raise your right hand.
오른손 올리세요
[oreunson olriseyo]

🔊 Put your right hand down.
오른손 내리세요
[oreunson naeriseyo]

🔊 Raise both your hands.
양손 올리세요.
[yangson olriseyo]

🔊 Put your both hands down.
양손 내리세요.
[yangson naeriseyo]

🔊 Go to the left.
왼쪽으로 가세요.
[waenjjogeuro gaseyo]

🔊 Go to the right.
오른쪽으로 가세요.
[oreunjjogeuro gaseyo]

🔊 Come here.
이쪽으로 오세요.
[ijjogeuro oseyo]

🔊 Go to the back.
뒤로 가세요.
[dwiro gaseyo]

🔊 Stop.

🔊 Turn back.
뒤로 돌아보세요.
[dwiro doraboseyo]

🔊 Turn forward.
앞으로 돌아보세요.
[apeuro doraboseyo]

🔊 Have a seat on the chair.
의자에 앉으세요.
[uijae anjeuseyo]

FREE EPS Lesson (Video)

Click here to go back to DAY 1 FREE LESSON > SELF-INTRODUCTION.

In order to pursue employment opportunities in Korea, obtaining a visa is a necessary step. However, to successfully obtain a visa and secure employment, applicants are required to pass the EPS-TOPIK test. This exam, known as the Employment Permit System – Test of Proficiency in Korean, assesses proficiency in the Korean language and is specifically designed for individuals seeking employment in Korea under the Employment Permit System.

The EPS-TOPIK test evaluates various language skills, including listening, reading, and writing, to ensure that applicants possess the necessary language abilities to work effectively in a Korean-speaking environment. Passing this test is crucial as it serves as a prerequisite for obtaining a visa and ultimately securing employment opportunities in Korea. Therefore, thorough preparation and understanding of the EPS-TOPIK test are essential for individuals aspiring to work in Korea.