Suggestion to the Listener
-(으)ㄹ까요? is used:
1. When the speaker wants to either suggest doing something together with the listener or to ask about the listener’s preference regarding something.
2. When the speaker wants to make a suggestion to the listener or to ask the listener for his or her opinion.

The subject is normally 우라, 제가 or 내가 and may be omitted. In English, this expression corresponds to ‘Shall we…?’, ‘Shall I…?’ ‘Why don’t we…?’ or ‘Do you want me to…?.
When answering, the suggestive form -(으)ㅂ사다 or -아/어요 is used.
When responding, the imperative forms -(으)세요 or -(으)지 마세요 can be used.
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Grammar Focus V-(으)ㄹ까요?
Stem Ending in Vowel or ㄹ
to buy 사다 + -ㄹ까요? → 살까요? Shall I buy?
Stem Ending in Consonant
to close 닫다 + -을까요? → 닫을까요? Do you want me to close?
가다 → 갈까요
A: 내일은 휴일인데 어디에 갈까요? Tomorrow is a holiday, so where should we go?
B: 카페에 갈까요? Shall we go to the cafe?
운동하다 → 운동할까요?
A: 주말에 운동할까요? Do you want to work out on the weekend?
B: 네 좋아요? Yes, sure!
만들다 → 만들까요?
A: 엄마의 생일인데 케이크를 만들까요? Should I make a cake for my mom’s birthday?
B: 좋아요! 케이크를 만들어 보세요. Great! Try making a cake.
읽다 → 읽을까요?
A: 이 책이 재미있다고 들었는데 읽을 까요? I heard this book is interesting, should I read it?
B: 네, 읽으세요! Yes, please read it!
듣다 → 들을까요?
A: 너무 조용한데 음악을 들을까요? It’s too quiet. Shall we listen to music?
B: 네, 들으세요. Yes, let’s listen!
전화하다 → 전화할까요?
A: 할아버지를 보고싶네요, 전화할까요? I miss my grandfather, shall I call him?
B: 좋아요. 전화 하세요. Alright, let’s call!
먹다 → 먹을까요?
A: 배고파요. 뭐 좀 먹을까요? I’m hungry. Do you want to eat something?
B: 빵을 먹읍시다! Let’s have some bread!
보다 → 볼까요?
A: 새로 개봉하는 영화가 있는데 같이 볼까요? There’s a new movie coming out. Shall we watch it together?
B: 좋아요! Sure!
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