[Day 4] Free EPS Lesson – Basic Knowledge

Day 1: Self-introduction
Day 2: Direction and Instructions
Day 3: Personal Information
Day 4: Basic Knowledge
Day 5: Company Life and Work
Day 6: EPS Tools

DAY 4 EPS Lesson Brief

Next, you will be asked common sense that everyone knows to determine if there will be any problems with your work life.
There are no complicated questions, so you can answer everything if you memorize Korean words well. Focus on memorizing words, listen to many examples of the book, and memorize everything.
In addition, it is important to learn numbers perfectly because you can also have numbers or calculation questions.


🔊 왜 why🔊 농업 agriculture🔊 오후 PM🔊 흐리다 cloudy
🔊 돈을 벌다 earn money🔊 어업 fishing industry🔊 시 hour🔊 비가 오다 rainy
🔊 행복하다 happy🔊 몸 body🔊 분 minute🔊 더하기 plus
🔊 제조 manufacturing🔊 아프다 sick🔊 몇시 what time🔊 빼기 minus
🔊 건설 construction🔊 병원 hospital🔊 날씨 weather🔊 곱하기 multiply
🔊 서비스 service🔊 오전 AM🔊 맑다 sunny🔊 나누기 division

Question Bank

🔊 Q: Where should you go if you are sick?
몸이 아프면 어디에 가야합니까?
[momi apeumyon odie gayahamnikka]

🔊 A: I have to go to the hospital.
병원에 가야합니다.
[byongwone gayahamnida]

🔊 Q: What time is it now?
지금은 몇 시입니까?
[jigeumeun myot siimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 10:25 a.m.
오전 10시 25분입니다.
[ojon yolssi isibobunimnida]

🔊 Q: What day is it today?
오늘은 무슨 요일이에요?
[oneureun museunnyoirieyo]

🔊 A: It’s Monday.

🔊 Q: What day is it today?
오늘은 (몇 월) 며칠입니까?
[oneureun (myot wol) myochirimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s December 31st.
12월 31일입니다.
[sibiwol samsibiririmnida]

🔊 Q: What’s the weather like today?
오늘 날씨가 어떻습니까?
[oneul nalssiga ottosseumnikka]

🔊 A: It’s sunny.

🔊 Q: What is 30 minus 20?
30 빼기 20은 무엇입니까?
[samsip ppaegi isibeun muosimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 10.

🔊 Q: How much is four times five?
4곱하기 5는 얼마입니까?
[sagopagi oneun olmaimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 20

🔊 Q: How much is 9 divided 3?
9나누기 3은 얼마입니까?
[gunanugi samun olmaimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s three.

🔊 Q: (13) What is this number?
(13)이 숫자가 얼마입니까?
[i sujjaga olmaimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 13.

🔊 Q: (56) What is this number?
(56)이 숫자가 얼마입니까?
[i sujjaga olmaimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 56.

🔊 Q: (98) What is this number?
(98)이 숫자가 얼마입니까?
[i sujjaga olmaimnikka]

🔊 A: It’s 98.

FREE EPS Lesson (Video)

Mastering the expression of personal information, numbers, dates, and time in Korean is essential for effective communication and daily interactions. Whether you’re traveling, studying, or working in Korea, these skills enable you to convey and comprehend crucial details accurately. Understanding how to ask and answer personal questions helps in building relationships and navigating social situations. Additionally, being proficient with numbers, dates, and time is vital for managing schedules, handling transactions, and following instructions. By investing time in learning these aspects, you enhance your language proficiency and cultural understanding, making your experiences in Korean-speaking environments more enriching and enjoyable.