Country Names in Korean

Learning the names of countries in Korean is a fascinating way to explore the language and expand your geographical vocabulary. Korean, with its unique script called Hangul, represents country names phonetically or by using translations based on the meanings of the country’s name.

Here’s an introduction to how country names are represented in Korean:

Self-introduction in Korean

Here’s a simple self-introduction about nationality in Korean:


저는 [Your Name]입니다.

저는 [Your Nationality] 사람입니다.

[Your Nationality]에서 왔어요.

Replace the placeholders [Your Name], [Your Nationality] with your own information.

🔊 안녕하세요!

I am Mario.
🔊 저는 마리오입니다.
(Jeoneun Marioimnida.)

I am Korean.
🔊 저는 한국 사람입니다.
(Jeoneun Hanguk saramimnida.)

I am from Korea.
🔊 저는 한국에서 왔어요.
(Jeoneun Hangukeseo wasseoyo.)

List of Country Names

🇰🇷 South Korea
한국 (Hanguk)

🇺🇸 United States
미국 (Miguk)

🇨🇦 Canada
캐나다 (Kaenada)

🇲🇽 Mexico
멕시코 (Megsiko)

🇧🇷 Brazil
브라질 (Beurajil)

🇦🇷 Argentina
아르헨티나 (Areuhentina)

🇬🇧 United Kingdom
영국 (Yeongguk)

🇫🇷 France
프랑스 (Peurangseu)

🇩🇪 Germany
독일 (Dogil)

🇮🇹 Italy
이탈리아 (Itallia)

🇪🇸 Spain
스페인 (Seupein)

🇷🇺 Russia
러시아 (Reosia)

🇨🇳 China
중국 (Jungguk)

🇧🇳 Brunei
브루나이 (Beurunai)

🇰🇭 Cambodia
캄보디아 (Kambodia)

🇹🇱 East Timor (Timor-Leste)
동티모르 (Dongtimoreu)

🇮🇩 Indonesia
인도네시아 (Indoneshia)

🇱🇦 Laos
라오스 (Raoseu)

🇲🇾 Malaysia
말레이시아 (Malleisia)

🇵🇭 Philippines
필리핀 (Pillipin)

🇸🇬 Singapore
싱가포르 (Singgaporeu)

🇹🇭 Thailand
태국 (Taeguk)

🇻🇳 Vietnam
베트남 (Beteunam)

🇰🇵 North Korea
북한 (Bukhan)

🇮🇳 India
인도 (Indo)

🇵🇰 Pakistan
파키스탄 (Pakisutan)

🇧🇩 Bangladesh
방글라데시 (Banggeulladesi)

🇦🇺 Australia
호주 (Hoju)

🇳🇿 New Zealand
뉴질랜드 (Nyujillaendeu)

🇿🇦 South Africa
남아프리카 (Namapeurika)

🇪🇬 Egypt
이집트 (Ijipteu)

🇳🇬 Nigeria
나이지리아 (Naijiria)

🇰🇪 Kenya
케냐 (Kenya)

가나 (Gana)

🇸🇴 Somalia
소말리아 (Somallia)

🇸🇦Saudi Arabia
사우디아라비아 (Saudia Arabia)

🇲🇳 Mongolia
몽골 (Monggol)

🇹🇷 Turkey
터키 (Teoki)

🇧🇹 Bhutan
부탄 (Butan)

🇩🇰 Denmark
덴마크 (Denmakeu)

🇬🇷 Greece
그리스 (Geuriseu)

🇷🇺 Russia
러시아 (Reosia)

🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates:
아랍에미리트 (Arab Emiriteu)

🇨🇱 Chile
칠레 (Chille)

🇵🇪 Peru
페루 (Peru)

🇨🇴 Colombia
콜롬비아 (Kollombia)

🇨🇺 Cuba
쿠바 (Kuba)

🇳🇱 Netherlands
네덜란드 (Nedeollandeu)

🇧🇪 Belgium
벨기에 (Belgie)

🇸🇪 Sweden
스웨덴 (Seuweden)

🇳🇴 Norway
노르웨이 (Noruwaei)

🇫🇮 Finland
핀란드 (Pillandeu)

🇨🇭 Switzerland
스위스 (Seuwiseu)

🇵🇱 Poland
폴란드 (Pollandeu)

🇦🇹 Austria
오스트리아 (Oseuteuria)

🇭🇺 Hungary
헝가리 (Heonggari)

🇵🇹 Portugal
포르투갈 (Poreutugal)

🇺🇦 Ukraine
우크라이나 (Ukeuraina)

🇷🇴 Romania
루마니아 (Rumania)

🇨🇿 Czech Republic
체코 (chaeko)

🇰🇿 Kazakhstan
카자흐스탄 (Kajaheuseutan)

🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
우즈베키스탄 (Ujeubekiseutan)

🇯🇵 Japan
일본 (Ilbon)

🇲🇲 Myanmar
미얀마 (Miyanma)

🇹🇼 Taiwan
대만 (Daeman)

🇭🇰 Hong Kong
홍콩 (Hongkong)

🇳🇵 Nepal
네팔 (Nepal)

🇦🇫 Afghanistan
아프가니스탄 (Apeuganiseutan)


Understanding country names in Korean is a great entry point into learning the language and appreciating its phonetic and semantic systems. As you become familiar with these names, you’ll gain insights into Korean pronunciation patterns and how different sounds and meanings are represented in Hangul. This knowledge can be useful for travelers, language learners, and anyone interested in global cultures.