EPS GO KR – Tools Names Mastery for Skill Test

EPS (Employment Permit System) skill tests are designed to assess the skills and qualifications of foreign workers who are seeking employment in certain countries, particularly those that participate in EPS programs like South Korea. These skill tests are often tailored to specific industries or occupations, such as manufacturing, agriculture, construction, or services. # EPS GO KR

It’s important for candidates to prepare adequately for these skill tests by familiarizing themselves with the specific requirements of the test, practicing relevant skills, and study the names for ALL TOOLS.

Lesson Timetable

Day 1: Self-introduction
Day 2: Direction and Instructions
Day 3: Personal Information
Day 4: Basic Knowledge
Day 5: Company Life and Work
Day 6: EPS Tools

Click to access to An Exclusive Guide to Employment in Korea (FREE VIDEO COURSE)

HRD Korea Textbook in 7 Languages (FREE)

Most importantly, the HRD Korea has published a book mainly for EPS TOPIK in 7 languages. It covers the syllabus, from basic Korean language skills and work-related content too. Click to access to the textbook FOR FREE.

E-books are produced in 7 languages (English, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Uzbekistan). Moreover, each language consists of 2 books.

When you study by e-books, click the headphone button 🎧 to play the listening practice, learners are able to study listening smoothly.

Correct answer is hidden in each page, so, you can check the answer by pointing the mouse at the purple box.

EPS Go KR Skill Test

EPS Skill Test contains a mock color blind test and the names of tools and equipment in Korean and English.

Part 1/6

🔊 니퍼 [ni peo] nippers🔊 파이프렌치 [pa i peu raen chi] pipe wrench
🔊 밧줄 [bad jul] rope🔊 벤딩기 [baen ding gi] bending machine
🔊 멀티탭 [meol ti taeb] extension cable🔊 망치 [mang chi] hammer
🔊 쓰레받기 [sseu rei bad gi] dustpan🔊 [sab] shovel
🔊 에어콤프레셔 [e o kom peu re syo] air compressor🔊 저울 [jeo ul] scale

Part 2/6

🔊 나사못 [na sa mot] screw🔊 펜치 [paen chi] pincer
🔊 스페너 [seu pae no] spanner🔊 컨트롤 판넬 [kon teu rol pan nael] control panel
🔊 원형톱 [won hyeong tob] circular saw🔊 소켓 렌치 [so ket ren chi] socket wrench
🔊 드럼통 [deu rom tong] drum🔊 방청유 [bang chong yu] lubricant oil
🔊 [tob] saw🔊 파렛트 [pa ret teu] pallet

Part 3/6

🔊 핸드 파래트 [haen deu pa rae teu] hand pallet🔊 가스 용접기 [ga seu yong jop gi] gas welding machine
🔊 가위 [ga ui] scissors🔊 호스 [ho seu] hose
🔊 방진마스크 [bang jin ma seu keu] dust-free mask🔊 발전기 [bal jeon gi] generator
🔊 핸드카 [haen deu ka] hand car🔊 바이스 [ba i seu] vice
🔊 장화 [jang hwa] boots🔊 육각렌치 [yuk kkag ren chi] hexagon wrench

Part 4/6

🔊 호이스트 [ho i seu teu] hoist🔊 테이프 [tae i peu] duct tape
🔊 지게차 [ji ge cha] forklift🔊 스위치 [seu ui chi] switch
🔊 작업등 [jag op tteung] work light🔊 비닐 끈 [bi nil ggeun] vinyl string
🔊 누전차단기 [nu jon cha dan gi] circuit breaker🔊 소화기 [so hwa gi] fire extinguisher
🔊 손전등 [son jon deung] flashlight🔊 공구함 [gong gu ham] toolbox

Part 5/6

🔊 빗자루 [bit jja ru] broom🔊 사다리 [sa da ri] ladder
🔊 바구니 [ba gu ni] basket🔊 줄자 [jul ja] tapeline
🔊 공구 캐비넷 [gong gu kae bi net] tool cabinet🔊 전기드릴 [jon gi deu ril] electric drill
🔊 박스 [bak seu] box🔊 칼 [kal] knife
🔊 대차 [dae cha] table cart🔊 롱노즈 플라이어 [rong no jeu peul ra i o] long nose pliers

Part 6/6

🔊 드라이버 [deu ra i bo] screwdriver🔊 전선 릴 [jon son ril] cable reel
🔊 위생복 [ui saeng bok] sanitation suit🔊 마대 [ma dae] gunny bag
🔊 안전모 [an jeon mo] safety helmet🔊 너트, 볼트 [no teu bol teu] nut, bolt
🔊 목장갑 [mok jang gap] work gloves🔊 버니어 켈리퍼스 [bon i o kel ri po seu] vernier calipers
🔊 환풍기 [hwan pung gi] ventilator🔊 회로시험기 [hwe ro si hom gi] circuit tester


Learn Korean With More Blogs

  1. EPS Free Course
  2. Learn with BTS
  3. Numbers and Words
  4. Travel and Daily Korean
  5. TOPIK
  6. Hangul – The Korean Alphabets
  7. Beginner Grammar
  8. Intermediate Grammar
  9. Tools Names

Additional Tools Names

🔊 안전화 [an jon hwa] safety shoes🔊 각반 [gak ban] gaiter
🔊 용접면 [yong job myon] welding mask🔊 철사 [chol ssa] wire
🔊 안전그네 [an jon geu ne] safety swing🔊 지각자 [ji gak ja] right angle ruler
🔊 안전조끼 [an jon jo kki] safety vest🔊 수평대 [su pyong dae] water level
🔊 보안 [bo an gyong] safety goggles🔊 클램프 [keul raem peu] clamp
🔊 쇠지렛대 [swe ji ret ttae] crowbar🔊 굴삭기 [gul sak kki] excavator
🔊 양손가위 [yang son ga wi] shears🔊 전기 절단기 [jon gi jol dan gi] electric cutter
🔊 벽돌 [byeok dol] brick🔊 용접봉 [yong job bong] welding electrode
🔊 철근 [chol geun] reinforcing bar🔊 비계 [bi gye] scaffold
🔊 기중기 [gi jung gi] crane🔊 타일 [ta il] tile
🔊 불도저 [bul do jo] bulldozer🔊 [nat] sickle
🔊 자갈 [ja gal] cobblestone🔊 호미 [ho mi] hand hoe
🔊 콘크리트 믹서 [kon keu ri teu mik sso] concrete mixer🔊 괭이 [gwaeng i] hoe
🔊 롤러 [rol ro] roller🔊 모종 [mo jong sap] trowel
🔊 측량 삼각대 [cheug ryang sam gak dae] surveying tripod🔊 곡괭이 [gok gwaeng i] pickax
🔊 시멘트 [si men teu] cement🔊 고무장갑 [go mu jang gap] rubber gloves
🔊 절단기 [jol dan gi] cutter🔊 밀집모자 [mil jib mo ja] straw hat
🔊 결속핸들 [gyol sok haen deul] fixing handle🔊 전정가위 [jon jong ga wi] pruning shears
🔊 비닐하우스 [bi nil ha u seu] vinyl greenhouse🔊 쇠스랑 [swe seu rang] pitchfork
🔊 고무통 [go mu tong] rubber bucket🔊 갈퀴 [gal kwi] rake

Color Blindness Test

The EPS Color Blind Test is a screening tool designed to detect color vision deficiencies, commonly known as color blindness.

The test typically consists of a series of plates or images composed of colored dots or shapes arranged in specific patterns. People with normal color vision can easily identify the patterns or numbers embedded within these images, while individuals with color vision deficiencies may struggle to discern them accurately.

Did you guess the answers right?
1) 🔊 74
2) 🔊 6
3) 🔊 16
4) 🔊 2
5) 🔊 7
6) 🔊 29
7) 🔊 5
8) 🔊 45
9) 🔊 8
10) 🔊 97
11) 🔊 42
12) 🔊 3

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