Basic Korean Expressions for Travel and Everyday Situations

Basic Korean Phrases

Here’s a handy list of basic Korean phrases for casual conversations and everyday situations. These are modern and commonly used expressions, perfect for learning conversational Korean.

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Basic Greetings in Korean

안녕히 가세요annyonghi gaseyoGoodbye.
만나서 반갑습니다mannaso bangapsseumnidaNice to meet you.
잘 부탁드립니다 jal butaktteurimnidaPlease take care of me.
안녕히 계세요annyonghi gyeseyoGoodbye.
감사합니다gamsahamnidaThank you.
죄송합니다jwesonghamnidaI’m sorry.
괜찮습니다gwaenchansseumnidaIt’s okay.
잘 먹었습니다jal mogotsseumnidaI enjoyed the meal.
수고하셨습니다sugohasyotsseumnidaThank you for your hard work.
잠시만요jamsimannyoJust a moment, please.

Basic Korean While Ordering Food

메뉴판을 좀 보여주세요menyupaneul jom boyojuseyo Please show me the menu.
잠시후에 주문하겠습니다jamsihue jumunhagetsseumnidaI’ll order in a little while.
가장 맛있는 요리를 추천해 주세요gajang madinneun yorireul chuchonhae juseyoPlease recommend the most delicious dish.
전통 한국 요리를 먹고 싶어요jontong hanguk yorireul mokkko sipoyoI want to eat traditional Korean food.
이것을 주세요igoseul juseyoI’ll have this.
다른 것으로 바꿔 주세요dareun goseuro bakkwo juseyoI want to exchange it for another product.
커피 한잔 주세요kopi hanjan juseyoA cup of coffee, please.
냅킨 좀 주세요naepkin jom juseyoGive me some napkins, please.
테이블을 치워주세요teibeureul chiwojuseyoPlease clean the table.
한국의 김치는 참 맛있네요hanguge gimchineun cham madinneyoKorean kimchi is very delicious.

Travel To Korean

관광비는 얼마예요?gwangwangbineun olmaeyoHow much is the tour fee?
안내 책자를 하나 주세요.annae chaekjjareul hana juseyoPlease give me a brochure.
야간 관광이 있나요?yagan gwangwangi innayoIs there a night tour?
언제 출발합니까?onje chulbalhamnikkaWhen are you going to leave?
어디서 출발합니까?odiso chulbalhamnikkaWhere does it depart from?
몇 시간 걸립니까?myot sigan golrimnikkaHow many hours will it take?
몇 시에 돌아옵니까?myot sie doraomnikka What time do you come back?
시내 전경을 볼 수 있는 곳이 있나요?sinae jongyongeul bol ssu inneun gosi innayoIs there anywhere that I can see the city view?
시내 관광 코스가 있습니까?sinae gwangwang kosseuga itsseumnikkaDo you have a city tour course?
번화가를 구경하고 싶습니다.bonhwagareul gugyonghago sipsseumnidaI’d like to take a look around the downtown area.
매표구가 어디에 있습니까?maepyoguga odie itsseumnikkaWhere is the ticket gate?
미술관은 오늘 문을 엽니까?misulgwaneun oneul muneul yomnikkaIs the art museum open today?
서울역 어떻게 가세요?soulryok ottoke gaseyoHow can I get to Seoul Station?
걸어서 갈 수 있습니까?goroso gal ssu itsseumnikkaCan I walk there?
이 곳이 어디입니까?i gosi odiimnikkaWhere is this place?
역으로 가는 버스가 몇 번 입니까?yogeuro ganeun pposseuga myot bon imnikkaWhich bus goes to the station?
이 근처에 지하철역이 있습니까? i geunchoe jihacholryogi itsseumnikkaIs there a subway station around here?
좀 빨리 가주세요.jom ppalri gajuseyo Please hurry up.
세워주세요.sewojuseyoPlease pull it up.
월드컵 경기장으로 갑시다.woldeukop gyonggijangeuro gapssidaLet’s go to the World Cup Stadium.

Hotel Check-in

방을 예약하고 싶습니다.bangeul yeyakago sipsseumnidaI’d like to reserve a room.
조용한 방으로 주세요. joyonghan bangeuro juseyoI’d like a quiet room, please.
지금 체크인하고 싶습니다.jigeum chekeuinhago sipsseumnidaI’d like to check in now.
짐을 맡기고 싶습니다.jimeul matkkigo sipsseumnidaI’d like to leave my luggage.
열쇠를 주세요.yolsswereul juseyoGive me the key.
하루 숙박료가 얼마입니까?haru sukppangnyoga olmaimnikkaHow much does it cost per day?
방을 바꾸고 싶습니다.bangeul bakkugo sipsseumnidaI’d like to change my room.
전등이 어두워요.jondeungi oduwoyoThe lights are dark.
룸 서비스를 부탁합니다.rum ssobisseureul butakamnida I’d like to order room service, please.
제 방 열쇠를 잃어버렸어요.je bang yolsswereul iroboryossoyoI lost my room key.
체크아웃 하려고 합니다.chekeuaut haryogo hamnidaI’m checking out.
신용카드를 사용하면 됩니까?sinyongkadeureul sayonghamyon dwemnikkaCan I use my credit card?
제 짐을 로비로 내려주세요.je jimeul robiro naeryojuseyoPlease drop my luggage off at the lobby.


공예품은 어디에서 팝니까?gongyepumeun odieso pamnikkaWhere do you sell crafts?
넥타이를 보고 싶은데요.nektaireul bogo sipeundeyoI’d like to see a tie.
아내에게 줄 선물을 찾습니다.anaeege jul sonmureul chatsseumnidaI’m looking for a gift for my wife.
저것이 좋군요, 보여주시겠어요? jogosi jokunnyo boyojusigessoyoThat’s nice, can you show me?
다른 걸 보여주세요.dareun gol boyojuseyoPlease show me another one.
이런 디자인으로 검은색이 있나요?iron dijaineuro gomeunsaegi innayoDo you have black in this design?
다른 모양을 보여주세요.dareun moyangeul boyojuseyoPlease show me a different shape.
좀 큰 것이 있나요? jom keun gosi innayoDo you have a bigger one?
좀 길게 고쳐주세요.jom gilge gochojuseyogyonboneul boyojuseyoPlease fix it a little longer.
견본을 보여주세요.gyonboneul boyojuseyoPlease show me the sample.
입어봐도 됩니까?ibobwado dwemnikkaCan I try it on?
좀 더 생각해 보겠습니다.jom do saenggakae bogetsseumnidaI’ll think about it a little more.
이것으로 하겠습니다.igoseuro hagetsseumnidaI’ll take this.
제가 원하던 것이 아닙니다. jega wonhadon gosi animnida That’s not what I wanted.
얼마입니까?olmaimnikkaHow much is it?
너무 비싸요.nomu bissayo It’s too expensive.
좀 싸게 해주세요.jom ssage haejuseyoGive me a good price.
포장해 주세요. pojanghae juseyoTo go, please.
따로따로 포장해 주세요. ttarottaro pojanghae juseyoPlease wrap it separately.
좀 예쁘게 포장해 주세요.jom yeppeuge pojanghae juseyo Please wrap it up nicely.
호텔까지 배달해 주실 수 있나요?hotelkkaji baedalhae jusil ssu innayoCan you deliver it to the hotel?
이것을 교환하고 싶습니다.igoseul gyohwanhago sipsseumnidaI’d like to exchange this.
잔돈이 없습니다.jandoni opsseumnidaI don’t have any change.
영수증을 주세요.yongsujeungeul juseyoGive me a receipt.
어디에서 계산하나요? odieso gyesanhanayoWhere can I pay?

Ask For Direction

실레합니다실례합니다silrehamnidaExcuse me.
길을 잃었습니다gireul irotsseumnidaI’m lost.
영화관에 가려면 이 길이 맞습니까?yonghwagwane garyomyon i giri matsseumnikkaIs this the right way to get to the movie theater?
은행이 어디에 있습니까?eunhaengi odie itsseumnikkaWhere is the bank?
화장실은 어디예요?hwajangsireun odieyoWhere is the restroom?
그 곳까지 얼마나 멉니까?geu gotkkaji olmana momnikkaHow far is it from there?
걸어서 갈 수 있습니까?goroso gal ssu itsseumnikkaCan I walk there?
여기서 가깝습니까?yogiso gakkapsseumnikka Is it close to here?
이 방향으로 갑니까?i banghyangeuro gamnikkaAre we going in this direction?
오른쪽으로 갑니까?oreunjjogeuro gamnikkaIs it going to the right?
왼쪽으로 돕니까?waenjjogeuro domnikkaDo you turn left?
여기를 가려는데 어떻게 가야 합니까?yogireul garyoneunde ottoke gaya hamnikkaI want to go here, how can I get there?
맞은편에 있습니까? majeunpyone itsseumnikkaIs it across the street?

Learn Korean With More Blogs

  1. EPS Free Course
  2. Learn with BTS
  3. Numbers and Words
  4. Travel and Daily Korean
  5. TOPIK
  6. Hangul – The Korean Alphabets
  7. Beginner Grammar
  8. Intermediate Grammar
  9. Tools Names

Basic Korean Phrases

지금 몇 시 입니까?jigeum myot si imnikkaWhat time is it now?
몇 시에 점심을 먹어요?myot sie jomsimeul mogoyoWhat time do you have lunch?
시간 있으세요?sigan isseuseyoDo you have time?
오늘은 몇 월 며칠입니까?oneureun myot wol myochirimnikkaWhat month and date is it today?

Learn more about numbers and more at this blog post.

Korean Food

짜장면jjajangmyonBlack-bean-sauce noodles
치킨chikinFried chicken
삼계탕samgyetangSamgyetang (Chicken ginseng soup)
불고기bulgogiBulgogi (Roasting seasoned slices of pork or beef)
떡볶이ttokppokkiStir-fried rice cake
돈까스donkkaseuPork cutlet
냉면naengmyonCold noodles
부대찌개budaejjigaeSpicy sausage stew
김치찌개gimchijjigaeKimchi stew
한정식hanjongsikKorean Traditional Set Meal
닭갈비dakkkalbiSpicy grilled chicken
안동찜닭andongjjimdak Andong braised chicken
족발jokppalBraised pig feet
막걸리makkkolriRice wine
보쌈bossamPork Wraps
김밥gimppapSeaweed rice roll
비빔밥bibimppapMixed rice
순두부찌개sundubujjigaeSpicy soft tofu stew

Phone Calls

전화를 좀 빌려 써도 될까요? jonhwareul jom bilryo ssodo dwelkkayoMay I borrow your phone?
다시 한 번 말해 주세요dasi han bon malhae juseyoTell me again.
천천히 말해 주세요chonchonhi malhae juseyoPlease speak slowly.
누구세요?nuguseyoWho are you?
잘못 걸었어요. jal mot gorossoyoI dialed the wrong number.
잠시 후에 다시 전화할게요jamsi hue dasi jonhwahalkkeyoI’ll call you back in a minute.
메시지를 남기고 싶어요messijireul namgigo sipoyoI want to leave a message.
전화해 주셔서 감사합니다jonhwahae jusyoso gamsahamnidaThank you for calling.
국제전화를 걸고 싶어요gukjjejonhwareul golgo sipoyoI’d like to make an international call.
전화요금이 얼마예요? jonhwayogeumi olmaeyoHow much is the phone bill?


1. 소나기가 오다 [sonagiga oda]have a shower
2. 폭우가 내리다 [poguga naerida]have a heavy downpour
3. 폭설이 내리가 [pokssori naeriga]heavy snow is falling
4. 태풍이 오다 [taepungi oda]have a typhoon
5. 홍수가 나다 [hongsuga nada]be flooded
6. 가뭄이 들다 [gamumi deulda]have a drought
7. 안개가 끼다 [angaega kkida]be foggy
8. 번개가 치다 [bongaega chida]lightning strikes
9. 천둥이 치다 [chondungi chida]have thunder
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